Tuesday, June 03, 2008

First Day of 'School'

Pippa started a "parents' morning out" program today that we call her 'school'. So, here is a picture on her first day of school.

I dropped her off and she immediately ran off to play while I talked with her teachers, then I told her I was leaving. No response, just playing. I told her again. No response. Finally I had to get right down near her and say I was going -- she looked right at me, said "bye-bye" in a very bored tone, and tore off to play with something else. When I picked her up, she was running up a piece of playground equipment and sliding down the slide by herself (something she refuses to do with us at the playground). I had to chase her around the playground to get her to come with me, and then she kept shrieking "No! No!" as I hauled her to the stroller. Oh yeah, I felt loved :)

When she got home, she told me quite a lot about her first day. Apparently she rode a bicycle of some kind, played with a big red car, went through/under a tunnel that was in the classroom (not on the playground), and went down a green slide about a million times. A girl in her class pushed her and it hurt. She ate some sort of round pretzels for snack that were "big". A full first day.

I didn't get any good pictures of Rowan today because she was sick and not at her most photogenic. Hopefully tomorrow...

That's awesome! Compared to many of the horror stories I've heard before...when I was in Buffalo I used to take my goddaughter out for lunch from daycare occasionally until it was vetoed--she'd reached an age where she would not be willing to go back, and they frown on 2-yr-olds in the lab :)
Man, I can just imagine her talking your ear off about all of the stuff that happened while she was there. Also, could she look any cuter?!
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