Friday, October 19, 2007

One more day in PICU

Just a quick update: Rowan will be spending at least one more day in the PICU, then should be released to the pediatric wing with us for a while. She still has a lot of post-operative swelling in her mouth and tongue, and although they don't think it would impede her airway, they don't want to remove her breathing tube, since the swelling would make it hard to put back in should anything go wrong. Although we're anxious to move things along, we don't want to rush anything needlessly. Everything else seems to be going great, and everyone at the PICU has said that she's in really great condition.

So for now, the order of recovery should be this: swelling should start to come down; the breathing tube should be removed; we'll get discharged to the pediatric wing; then as her tongue heals more, we'll work on bottle feeding again. Once she's able to feed orally, we should be able to get her home. We're hoping all this happens pretty quickly, and indications are that it should, so we're just looking forward to getting things all back to normal.

I'm at a loss for words here, but feel like I need to write something to show my support. James and Emily, you are my heroes. I wish I could make this easier. Love love ... Masha
ETA to more photos: T - 24 HOURS
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