Tuesday, June 05, 2007
College Savings
We just joined this service called UPromise that lets us save for Pippa's college education. It hooks our credit cards, grocery cards, pharmacy cards, and online purchases thru their website (they've got lots of coupons and deals for online shopping in every type of category), and when we make 'qualifying' purchases the brand company adds some money to our 529 account for Pippa's college fund. The cool thing is friends and family can hook all of their cards and purchases to our account, too. If you're interested in sending Pippa to college (listen, you gotta plan ahead these days), send me an email at emily dot jacksonsanborn at gmail dot com (that email address is all spelled out so those darned spammers don't get me, but you know what an email address should look like). Then I'll send you an email invite that'll hook you up to Pippa's account (which will be shared by Pippa and Rowan once she makes her grand appearance). Not to rob our kids of savings, but in the interest of full disclosure, for those of you who are planning on having kids, you can set up an account for your future kids, too, at www.upromise.com.