Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Latest Check-Up

Had a check-up yesterday, and everything's looking good. I'm now measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule, but there is still plenty of time for things to get regular. The only problem w/ measuring larger is that she may be too big to deliver -- but closer to the time they'll do another sonogram to determine that. I met w/ a midwife for the first time -- our practice has 4-5 midwives that they work with. Unfortunately, they only work Monday through Friday, 6am-8pm, so if you deliver on the weekend you're out of luck. But I'm going to keep meeting w/ them and the doctors, and probably ask for a midwife when I go into labor. They're all (including the doctors) really flexible at this practice, so pretty much whatever we want to do they'll accommodate.

Only M-F? That's too bad. It's great that you are looking into a midwife, though. I hope it works out. I leave for France in two days. I'll be thinking about you guys!!!

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